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What are the types of delivery and delivery times for a GAIIA order?
Delivery times and shipping costs vary depending on the type of delivery you choose for your purchase. Note that during sale periods and promotions the delivery time may be longer than normal:
Type of delivery | Cost | Estimated delivery time |
Home delivery | Rs. 790 (Free for orders over Rs. 6,500) | 6 to 10 working days |
Where is my order?
Can I change the delivery address of an order?
We can change the address of an order while it is being prepared in our warehouses.Once the order is ready for dispatch or in the hands of the carrier, we can no longer change the address.
Check the status in My purchases and, if you are on time, contact our Customer Service team.
We continue working to make this process more convenient for you!
Can I cancel my order?
If you no longer wish to receive your order, you can make a cancellation request via our online help chat. Go to "Managing my order", select the option "Cancel my order" and complete the request. Within 24 hours you will receive an e-mail confirming whether your request was successful.
Please bear in mind, if your order is ready to be delivered or has already left the warehouse, we will no longer be able to cancel it.
Remember that, in any case, you have 30 days from the shipping date to easily return the items you no longer want.
What should I do if I have not received all the items in my purchase?
If any of the items in your purchase were sold out at the last minute and we did not send them to you, you will receive an e-mail with a notification. In addition, we will refund you the amount of the out of stock items and the delivery costs via the same payment method used to purchase the items.
If this is the case with you, we are sorry we could not complete your order.
What should I do if I have received an incorrect or defective item?
We are sorry if any of the items are not what you expected. Make the return indicating on the return form that it is an incorrect or defective item. If you can't find the return form, download it from your purchase details. We will refund you the amount of the items plus shipping costs as soon as we receive them in our warehouse.
Please note that the refund of the garments and the delivery charges will be made separately.
What is KYC and why do we need it to send you the order?
KYC stands for 'Know Your Customer' and refers to the process carried out by banks to verify the identity of bank customers. These official data must match those provided when placing your order.
In order to receive your order, the address details provided to your bank and the delivery address should match. If it does not, you will have to provide one of the following documents:
- Bank Account Statement
- Electricity Bill
- Telephone Bill
- Hotel Booking Receipt (if the delivery address is a hotel
- LPG Connection document with address
- Complete copy of Rent Agreement
- Letter from HR (If workplace allocation)
- Aadhar card/passport/voter id